Faqs / Access Limits

The Pick-A-Potty tool is intended to potential Printer Potty customers with information to help with their own printers.

However, wholesale data trawling is discouraged and as such we have a system that identifys and limits such behaviour.

We’re aware it’s not 100% perfect so to help genuine end-users this guide will help avoid further restrictions in future.

What’s The Best Way To Use the Pick-A-Potty Tool

It’s pretty unlikely that you own 3 different printers, that all hit “Service Required” on the same day so ordinarily you shouldn’t have any problems.

Simply restrict your searches to the printer(s) that you have a direct interest in.

Will I Be Able To Access Additional Printer Models?

Depending on the number of searches you’ve already done, you may find you need to wait between a couple of minutes to an hour before you will be able to access additional information.

If in doubt, please contact us with the printer models you require info’ on and w’ll see what we can do to help.

FAO: Printer Service professionals, potential resellers, etc…

A wider access to this resource may be available depending on your status and intent… Please contact us if you are interested in discussing this further.

Posted in: Pick a Potty Help